• fashionable jobs / dream jobs
• ways of finding a job
• working abroad (advantages, disadvantages)
• career and/or family
Jobs are traditionally divided up into two large categories: blue collar and white collar. Blue collar jobs are generally the manual labour type, such as factory work, road crews, building and construction, etc. The white collar jobs are the office jobs such as bank clerks, office workers, teachers, computer operators, etc. They are called blue and white collar because of the colour of the shirt traditionally worn in those jobs. Wearing a uniform is still required for numerous jobs, such as police officers, hotel doormen, nurses and many others.
While many jobs have regular hours – typically 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and called “nine-to-five” jobs – some require shift work. There is usually a hierarchy in a work place, and at the top is employer, usually called the boss, who is generally a type of executive of manger. Below this are other supervisors and then the other employees. Sometimes there is a labour union in the work place to protect the rights of the workers.
Full-time jobs mean that you work 8 hours a day. If you have a part-time job, you work less, usually 4 or 6 hours a day.
Employer can work more – two or three – shifts. There are day- or nighshift and swing shift too.
Odd job is valid to occasions or seasons, for example, snow scoop in winter or farmhand in summer.
Some people have more jobs called accumulation, such as the politicians. It’s possible that they have other functions beside the function of political.
Salaries are fixed monthly payments especially for professional employees or people working in an office.
These days a lot of young people would like to become lawyers or economists, or they would like to find a job in connection with computer science. The main reason why these jobs are so popular is that they are well-paid. Most young people would like to work for a big company and get a company car, a mobile phone and a laptop, and where they can travel abroad on business. There are some young people who choose a popular job, no matter whether they are interested in that field or not. Others try to find work that suits their abilities and interest. There are families where the parents tell their children what to become.
Nowadays it’s easier to gain admission to an institution of higher education, but it’s more difficult to find a lucrative job after graduation. There are many more students in higher education than some years ago, so the job market is getting full.
In my opinion, a good job must be challenging and motivating. I would like to work with people and help them. It’s very important for me to enjoy what I do and be a member of a good team.
Employee provides job security, good salary and fringe benefits, such as free health insurance, travel subsidies and sports facilities. A good employer constantly tries to motivate the employees and creates ideal working conditions. He or she should organize activities for the employees outside work, like sightseeing tours and evening programmes.
A good employee is efficient, loyal to the employer and reliable. He or she has to adapt to changing work conditions and has to be able to cooperate with others.
Women have become more career-oriented. They don’t have to stay at home and look after their children as there are crèches and nursery schools. They can take care of housework more easily because there are labour-saving household devices. Another reason why they go to work is that the family needs the money.
I think we don’t have to choose between family and career if we can map out and we have family support.
In my opinion the middle-aged and elderly people are at a disadvantage when they are looking for a job because most companies advertise jobs for people under 35. In turn these people can work very well and they don’t have to go on sick leave because they haven’t got little children.
According to the law, women and men get the same salary for the same job, but as far as I know, especially in blue-collar jobs, women are paid less because they are considered weaker than men.
Traditionally there are men’s jobs and women’s jobs. For example, turners are mostly men, and kindergarten teachers are mostly women.
The most frequent reason is that an employee is made redundant and has to find another job. He or she has to leave either because the firm goes bankrupt or closes down, or because the employer is not satisfied with his or her work. There might be family reasons as well. Some people have to change jobs because of their health. There are people who change for a better-paid job or a job with better benefits. Other change jobs just because their tasks have become monotonous and they need a change.
Unfortunately, in today’s economic hard times a lot of people don’t have jobs and can’t find the kind of work they were trained for. These people are unemployed, and it’s sad to say their numbers are growing.
If I’m search of a job I ask my friends whether they know about vacancies. I read job advertisement, surf the net and go to a job agent. I found all of my jobs by TopSec, so I’m pleased with them. Firstly I called this company, we made an appointment, and went to the office with my CV. I was done some exercises and talked a lot. They took on me to their database, and after a week they called me that I could go to an appraisal interview. It was successful.
A CV contains personal details, such as the candidate’s name, address, phone number, nationality, date of birth and marital status. You must give details of your education and qualifications, your previous experience, your language and other skills. You may also include a list of your interests. It’s advisable to add names of people who can provide references.
Some people think that their life will be easier and more interesting abroad. They also hope to earn much more money than in Hungary, but they might not consider that life is more expensive abroad.
The advantages of working abroad are that you can learn the local language, get to know interesting people, and acquire the most recent technologies. Probably you earn more, although your expenditures can be higher too. The disadvantages include that you might feel like an outsider, have language problems and find the people around you and their customs strange. You might often feel lonely as you are far from your family and friends.