16. Tétel - Health - Egészség

• characteristics of a healthy lifestyle
• healthy and unhealthy diet/dishes
• healthcare

The word health really means good health, when you feel fine. But it also possible to speak about poor health, when you feel out of sorts, do not feel up to the mark.

A regular way of life is very important to good health. Have your meals at regular times, devote enough time to recreation, sports in the fresh air and sunshine. Many people who feel unwell or nervous are just exhausted, overworked and need a good rest.

To be healthy you should eat healthy food, such as chicken and fish, vegetables, fruits, cheese, yoghurt and cereals, exercise regularly and try to avoid stress.

I try to live in the healthiest way possible. I eat healthy food, that is, little fat and sugar and lots of vegetables and fruit. I take exercises at home three times a week and walk a lot with my daughter every day.

Health cares are cover all people and they’re nearly free. Of course, it’s not free because employees and employers pay social security contributions to the state to cover their health cares. From 15th February we pay visit fee at doctors and bed fee in the hospitals per day. Health cares may be benefit in kind and monetary allocation.

Benefit in kind may be the price of medicine support. Monetary allocation are sick-pay and child care allowance and fee. 

There are private medical cares but they’re so expensive.

Important institute is the sick-pay what is paid by the employees and social insurance. When an employer is sick, go to the doctor and stay at home, he or she gets the 70 per cent of his or her salary as sick-pay.
Some employees pay the medical examinations for the employers, especially the multinational companies.